Practical Tips

Since everyone in the network/Consortium has an identical copy of the blockchain then you must:

  • Minimize the set of concerns that a single contratc must handle, i.e.: Only do only the most necessary work in the blockchain.
  • Keep complex agregate of inferred state calculations off chain.
Authentication diagram
Managed Blockchain Ethereum infra in Azure
Hyperledger Fabric on AWS (based on containers)
  • The data is both inmutable and cryptohraphicaphycally secure.
  • Dealing with the realities of how counterparties interact today.
  • Reduce settlement times and reduce costs tied to reconciliation.

Good Development Practices for DAPPs

  • Pick up one language to write Business Logic: Solidity for Ethereum, Kotlin/Java for Corda (Flow/Contract) and NodeJS/Go for Hyperledger Fabric (Chaincode).
  • Write contractc which can be tested with few or no dependencies (low fan-out)

Thanks fo rreading,

Javier Caceres