
First time I heard about micro-frontends was in Martin Fowler’s post below:

The idea is simple: You have *something* where you assemble micro-frontends servers. Each micro-frontend is similar to old school iframes. That *something* is usually a page container (Not a docker container!).

Many people argue that micro-frontends are not a thing, but just a new name for the good old component* model available in pretty much all UI frameworks long time ago (more on this discussion here).

But regardless of the conceptual definition, the question is: how do we implement this with modern frameworks?


There are multiple options, they all split a page into fragments which are then put together using routes or conditions (a.k.a. client site composition), just to mention some (grouped by level of abstraction):


*Similar to the Composite View design pattern which is based in Composition. Composition is represented with a filled diamond. Composition involves «ownership», so in the example below a «House» has «Rooms».


Javier Caceres